You are here: Home Congresses » The 14th Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society » Active participation
The 14th Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society
Abstract submission
Active participation in congress may be a form of oral or a poster presentation.
The deadline for receiving applications, including abstracts, is September 21, 2023.
Application for active participation, including abstracts, can be submitted exclusively online via the form. Only the application that includes the relevant abstract will be accepted.
The condition of acceptance is the structured form of the abstract in the following arrangement:
- Job title
- Name of author(s): in order: surname, abbreviation of first name without period, separate authors with a comma
- Author's workplace: clinic (workplace), institution, city
- Text: in structured text, write headings, names of individual parts or sections with a colon
Oral presentation
Technical specification for processing requested presentations:
- The presentation must be intended for the Windows platform, (If you have a presentation on MAC, please contact the organizer.)
- Possible format: presentation in 16:9 format, Microsoft Powerpoint 2016, or Office 365, or later. It is also possible to present in PDF format.
- It is possible to insert a video into the presentation in ".mp4" format (avi or mpeg accepted) resolution of at least 1280x720 pixels
- If you use a non-standard "codec", you need to bring it with you.
- In case of using a non-standard "Font" in the presentation, you need to bring it with you/inform the organizer
- Videos can also be played separately.
- Presentations are transferred to USB. Also it is possible to present from your own laptop trought the HDMI cabel.
Poster section
It is a variant of active participation in the professional program.
Poster Presentation Specifications:
- Installation on poster panels at the time indicated in the congress program
- Poster panels (work surfaces) are numbered according to the congress program
- Poster - specifications:
- dimensions max. 841mm height x 1189 mm width (Format A0 - portrait)
- material: white laminate
- installation using "dry zip" (installation resources will be available on site)
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