XXVI. PRAGUE SURGICAL DAYS 2019 - Physicians‘ section
Scientific programme
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You can download Scientific preliminary programme HERE.
Last actualisation: 15.10.2019
Collaborating Expert Associations of the Czech Medical Society of JEP
Czech Surgical Society
Czech Trauma Surgery Society
Czech Oncological Society
Czech Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Society on Wound Infections
Organizing Committee
- prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Krška, DrSc., Chairman of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Congress, krskaz(at)
- Professor Dr. med. Hauke Lang, MA, FACS University Medical Center, Mainz
- as. MUDr. Jan Ulrych, Coordinator, Scientific Programme Committee (Physicians Section), phone: +420 606 794 730,
jan.ulrych(at) - PhDr. Dagmar Škochová, MBA, Coordinator, Scientific Programme Committee (Medical professionals in the non-physicians professions Section), phone: +420 224 964 365, skochova.dagmar(at)
Scientific Committee
Czech surgery representatives and selected guests
Congress Organizer
Congress Prague, s.r.o., Nad Obcí I/24, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 241 445 815, office(at),
Coordinator for registration and accommodation: Veronika Lounová, veronika.lounova(at)
Coordinators for accompanying exhibition of companies: David Vašek, david.vasek(at)
Gabriel Novák, gabriel.novak(at)
phone: + 420 241 445 813
Thursday, October 24.
7:30 - 19:00
- Preoperative examination - imaging examination and functional capacity of the liver (prof. P. Urbánek)
- Indications for surgery in benign liver diseases (benign tumors, cysts, abscesses) (MUDr. J. Ulrych)
- Indications for surgery in primary liver malignancies (HCC, CCC) (doc. M. Oliverius)
- Indications for surgery in liver metastases of colorectal cancer (prof. Z. Ryska)
- Indications for surgery in liver metastases of non-colorectal malignancies (prof. V. Třeška)
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break Foyer Lobby, 3rd Floor
10:30 – 12:00 Requested II
- Indications for non-surgical locoregional treatment (RFA, IRE, TACE) (MUDr. J. Horejš)
- Methods of enlargement of liver resectability (prof. Z. Krška)(prof. Z. Krška)
- Complications of liver resections and their management (prof. P. Kala) (prof. P. Kala)
- Liver transplantation (doc. MUDr. J. Froněk, Ph.D.) (doc. MUDr. J. Froněk, Ph.D.)
12:00 – 13:00
Lunch Veduta Restaurant, 2nd Floor
8:30 - 8:40 Opening Remarks (prof.Z. Krška)
8:30 - 10:00 Requested I
- Surgical anatomy of the liver (H. Lang, Mainz)
- Imagine of the liver and liver tumors (C. Düber, Mainz)
- Benign hepatic tumors (FNH, adenoma, hemangioma, other) (SA. Lang, Freiburg)
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00
- Rare liver tumors (mesenchymal tumors) (A. Serrablo, Zaragoza)
- Assessment of hepatic volume und function (SA. Lang, Freiburg)
- Cystic liver lesions (Z Krska, Prag)
17.00 – 17.30
Coffee break
- Chemotherapy for malignant primary and secondary liver tumors (A. Weinmann, Mainz)
- Local treatment of liver tumors (RFA, Microwave, IRE, TACE, SIRT) (C. Düber, Mainz) Friday, October 25.
- Colorectal liver metastasis (A. Ferrero, Turin)
- Staged hepatectomy and ALPPS (S. Heinrich, Mainz)
- Extensive liver resections (H.J. Schlitt, Regensburg)
09.30 – 10.00
Coffee break
10.00 – 12.00
- Hepatic metastases (non-colorectal) (A. Serrablo, Zaragoza)
- Laparoscopic liver surgery (A. Ferrero, Turin)
- Intrahepatic biliary tumors and hilar cholangiocarcinoma (S. Heinrich, Mainz)
- Ultrasound-guided liver surgery (G. Torzilli, Mailand)
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch buffet
13.00 – 14.30
- Surgery in cirrhosis – HCC (G. Torzilli, Mailand)
- Liver transplantation (H.J. Schlitt, Regensburg)
- HCC (resection and liver transplantation) (H.J. Schlitt, Regensburg)
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee Break Foyer Lobby, 3rd Floor
15.00 - 16.00
Free lectures on current surgical topics
Closing Remarks
13:00 - 15:00 Advanced postgraduate course of the E-AHPBA: Surgery of the Liver of the Present
Each topic 30 minutes
Case reports / videos
08.00 – 09.30
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